Wednesday 5 July 2023

Of Comets

In this section I will briefly represent the Comets seen in Europe for these hundred years or thereabout, adding that which Garceus in his Meteorologie, Lycosthenes and others have observed upon this point. In the year 1500. in the month of April, a comet appeared in the North, under the sign of Capricorn. The same year Prince Charles was born, afterwards Emperor, the 5th of that name: and Suleiman Sultan of the Turks Soon after followed the spoils, which the Tartars made in Poland the famine in Swabia, a plague throughout all Germany, the taking of Naples by the French. A rising of the peasants in the bishopric of Spire [Speyer], against the Bishop and the Canons: the taking of Modon [Methoni] and some other places in Morea by the Turks. Ismael Sophie expelled out of the kingdom of Persia by the Turks, whereof they ceased, the second year after the plague, made a horrible spoil, almost throughout all the whole world, the which had for forerunners, figures of crosses falling out of the air upon men’s clothes. A war followed in Bavaria two years after this plague. after the which many great men, both spiritual and temporal died. The Emperor  Maximilian I vanquished the Guelders [guilds, most likely referring to Gelderland and the Flemish revolts against Maximilian] and then the Hungarians, whom he reduced under his obedience.


Folio 92. From the Augsburg book of miracles.

In the year 1506. a comet appeared in August towards the North, covering the signs of Leo and Virgo, having near unto the Chariot a thick and shining tail, stretched out betwixt the wheels of this Chariot, for which cause some Astronomers called it the Peacock’s tail. In September after, died Philip the 1st king of Spain, father to Charles and Ferdinand Emperors. The same year the Turks were defeated in battle by the Persians, and on the other side, they took Modon in Morea from the Christians, and defeated their fleet. Then followed a civil war betwixt Bayezid and his son Selim and Francis Sforza Duke of Milan, was taken in Italy by the French. As for that which happened in the following years, the History of our time doth show it, as well in respect of wars, inundations, death of famous men, and marvelous altercations in Europe, the causes whereof we will attribute to the just judgements of God, punishing the sins of the world: we say only that Comets seem oftentimes to be forerunners and trumpets of the wonderful judgements of the Lord, as a French poet speaking of a comet seen in the year 1577. said in the 2nd day of his week.

O frantick France! why doost not thou make vse,
Of the strange signes, whereby the Heauens induce
Thee to repentance? canst thou teare-lesse gaze,
Euen night by night on that prodigious blaze,
That hairy Comet, that long streaming Starre,
Which threatens Earth, with Famine, Plague, and Warre:
(The Almighties Trident, and three forked fire,
Wherewith he strikes vs in his greatest ire?)

But let us consider the other comets, according to the order of the years. In November 1523 there was seen a comet, and soon after, the heavens seemed all on fire, casting forth infinite flames of lightning upon the earth, the which did tremble afterwards there happened strange inundations of water in the realm of Naples. Soon after followed the taking and captivity of Francis I King of France, Germany was troubled with horrible seditions. Louis King of Hungary was slain in battle against the Turkes. There were wonderful stirs throughout all Europe, and Rome was taken and spoiled by the imperial army. 

Folio. 111.


In the same year of the taking and sack of Rome, which was 1527. there was seen another more fearful comet then the precedent there followed after it the great spoils which the Turks made in Hungary a famine in Swabia, Lombardy, and at Venice war in Switzerland, the siege of Vienna in Austria the Sweat in England the overflowing of the sea in Holland and Zealand, where it drowned a great country, and an earthquake in Portugal which continued eight days.

Comet of 1531. Fol. 125.

In the year 1531. from the 6th of August to the 3rd of September, there appeared a comet, marching slowly by the signs of Cancer, Leo, Virgo, & Libra, the which was followed by many troubles and great changes in Germany, in Denmark and elsewhere and another comet was seen the year following greater than it. Soon after in the year 1533. appeared another comet in the end of July. Historians write the wonderful changes which followed it. Those of the year 1538. 1556. 1558. and in the following years unto this age, […]aue been wonderful, having eclipses of the sun most commonly going before them. And as for that which hath happened since in Europe, no man is ignorant thereof, if he bee not exceedingly ignorant. 

Comet of 1533. Fol. 128.


Folio. 110.

The most fearful of all the Comets in our time, was that in the year 1527 for the sight of it stroke such a terror into many, as some died, others fell sick. It was seen of many thousands of people, seeming very long and of a bloody colour. On the top thereof was seen the representation of a crooked arm holding a great sword in his hand, as if he would strike. At the point of this sword were three stars but that which touched the point directly, was more clear and shining then the rest. On either side of the beams of this comet were seen many battle axes, daggers, bloody swords, among the which they did mark a great number of men’s heads cut off, having their beards and hair horribly curled. And have we not seen for the space of 3 years, throughout all Europe, the terrible effects upon the earth of this presage in heaven.
But we may not forget the new star, as great as the day star, the which appeared among the fixed stars, near unto Cassiopeia the 9th of November 1572 having the form of a lozenge. Cornelius Gemma and other learned Astronomers, which have written books thereof, say that it continued still in one place for the space of three weeks, and they hold that it resembled the star the which appeared to the wise men coming to adore Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, presently after his birth. It continued in the firmament 9 months or thereabout. Others say that it lasted until the beginning of March 1574 fading by little and little. Gemma speaks wonders in the 2 Book of the Cosmocritique. Chap. 3. But for that he doth discourse & dispute thereof at large, it shall suffice us to note this wonder, the which he esteemed marvelous (as indeed it was) among all the extraordinary wonders of heaven, since the nativity of our Saviour.

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