Thursday 13 July 2023

A golden tooth in the mouth of a child of Silesia.

A countryman called Jhon Muller [could be misspelling of John], a carpenter by his trade, dwelling at Weigelsdorf [Ostroszowice] a Village of Silesia, belonging to a gentleman called Frederick de Gethorne, under the sovereignty of the Emperor, took to wife one named Hedwig of Endesdorf, a village in the duchy of Breslau, in the same country. These two married folks, living very honestly and without reproach in their mean condition, had between them a son, born the 22th day of December 1585. four days after he was christened and named Christopher, carefully brought up, and in the year 1593 sent to the school of the village amongst other children. A little before Easter, a certain girl discovers that this child hath the last great tooth of the left side appearing all of clean gold divers others thereupon find it to be so. Suddenly the report of it is dispersed all about, so that the Dukes of Silesia, Lignits [Liegnitz likely Frederick IV of Liegnitz], Brige [Brzeg] Münsterberg, etc. and diverse gentlemen and citizens of credit, cause the child to be brought unto them, that they might see him. Amongst others, Monsieur Andreas, Bishop of Nisse [Nysa], and chief Governor of Silesia, made him to be expressly brought to him to Nysa, where in his presence certain surgeons very diligently and attentively considered the force, matter, form, and disposition of this tooth. 

Bishop Andreas of Neisse.

In the year 1594 about the month of September going into Silesia for to sell a certain house that I had at Sueidniz [Schweidnitz, Świdnica], and staying at Reichenbach [Dzierżoniów] a Frederick de Gelhorne [Fredrich von Gellhorn] (unto whose son being at that time sick, I ministered physic,) to have this child brought unto me, by his mother to a kinsman’s house of mine, named Melchior Horst where[…] with the principal men of the place, in the forenoon a little before dinner, I very diligently beheld at two several times this golden tooth of Christopher Mullers, I took hold of it with my fingers, and wagging it in and out, I found it firm and immovable: having made him open his mouth, I saw the gold of the said tooth, shining very bright: it was the last great tooth of the lower jaw on the left side, being a little thicker then the other great teeth, but of the same form and height, having the gum very sound, soft, red, and in every point as it should be. I observed also that at that time the child being about eight years old had all his teeth except the great tooth next to that of gold, which by means thereof thorough a special providence of God appeared much the better! Hereupon being in doubt whither he chewed with that tooth as well as with the rest, I desired mine host to make the mother and the child to stay dinner. We were no sooner risen from table, but I sent again for the chiefest persons of the town, and in their presence I opened the child’s mouth, where I found the meat yet remaining chewed upon this tooth of gold. Then causing his mouth to be washed very clean with faire water, with a touchstone I touched the tooth, and found that the gold approached to the carat of that of Hungary. This child is of complexion hot and dry, prettily in flesh, of a good stature and a lively spirit, peaceable and marvelously studious, insomuch that I was fine to give him a couple of books that he begged of me.
I. HORST Doctor of Phisicke in his Historycall and Philosophicall doscourse of the Silesian Childes golden tooth.

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