Thursday 20 July 2023

A notable thief

About the year 1503. there lived at Geneva a notable thief called Mortac, and in French Mortel. He did enchant men in such sort, as no man could prevent his thieving, nor punish him after the deed. Everyone knew he was a thief, and were as wary of him as they could. It was a common watchword in all the houses of the town, when as night came, for Masters and Mistresses to warn their servants to shut the doors for fear of Mortac, which grew to be an ordinary proverb, when as they doubted any one that had filching fingers. But there was neither door, lock, nor bar, that could keep him out, where he had a will to enter: yet he went not to all places, but only to those that look sorley on him, and seemed to distrust him, for he took a delight to steal, to be admired for his ability and cunning: neither did he care to gather much together, but con∣tented himself with a little, taking no more then would serve him for some 40 or 50 meals, with some companions which he carried up and down, feasting them at his charge. And there was no means to prevent his will for he did so enchant them of the house, as they lost their speech, all all means to resist him, making them like immovable stocks, when he entered into their houses. Before he would seize upon that which he pretended, he would first feed himself at his […]ase. The first thing he ever did was to light a candle, then to take the keys of the house yea from under the master and mistresses pillow, although they were awake not that he wanted keys for his fingers served him for his lock picks but in thus proceeding he would show his thievish authority. Then would he open the larder and the cellar, from whence he fetched meat and wine, covered the table, and eat and drunk at his leisure and pleasure, and yet not any one of the house did stir, either to hinder him, or to accompany him, neither to cry out, nor yet to speak to him, either good or bad. This done, he went and opened the goodman’s coffers, and took what money he thought good, to make good cheer with his minions, for 3 weeks or a month’s space in some tavern. The next day he and his band would camp where was best wine and the tavern keepers entertained this rabble very graciously. For this Mortac did no harm in those places where he usually frequented, and where the masters did make much of him. After they had made many good meals, when they came to reckon, he never brought any money but said to the host. Go and fetch thy due in the corner of such a chamber of thy house, the which perchance had not been frequented a month before. The which the host doing, he found the just sum, and not a farthing more or less. It was very strange, that the judges did not punish him. He was often put in prison, but the judges dared not exceed the law, the which did forbid them to condemn any one accused, before he had confessed the fact.

The strappado

And this Mortac was so constant in denying the truth, as it was impossible to draw any thing from his own mouth, whether it were that he felt no torments, or that he did contemn them. for he apprehended no more to be strained with a cord, then to dance, If they gave him a share strappado, he seemed to endure much, and would cry out: Let me down, and I will tell the truth. Being let down and untied, he would say to the governors, what will you have me say? Thereupon they asked him, who hath done this, or that and he mocking them, would repeat this question, saying: Doest thou know who hath done this or that? and then he would adde in scoffing manner, give me once more the strappado, for the love of the ladies, so as they were forced to let him alone. He committed infinite thefts, after the manner before mentioned: but he dyed not so shamefully as he deserved, yet most cruelly, for the plague having so seized upon his throat, as he could not speak, his mother (who tended him) fearing he would scape and be hanged afterwards, buried him alive. And so lived and died Mortac
Extracted out of the Annals of Geneva.

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