Friday 4 August 2023

The Essex witches trials part 1.

The arraignment and execution of Joan Cunny of Stysted in the County of Essex widow, of the age of fourscore years, or thereabouts, who was brought before Anthony Mildmay Esquire, the last day of March. 1589.

Illustration of the three witches and the familiars Jack and Jill.


In primis, this examinate saith and confessed, that she hath knowledge and can do the most detestable Art of Witchcraft, and that she learned this her knowledge in the same, of one mother Humfrye of Maplested, who told her that she must kneel down upon her knees, and make a circle on the ground, and pray to Satan the chief of the devils, the form of which prayer that she then taught her (These spirits belonging to this witch, did suck, commonly upon a sore leg which this mother Cunny had), this examinate hath now forgotten, and that then the spirits would come unto her, the which she put in practise about twenty years since, in the Field of John Wiseman of Stysted Gentleman, called Cowfenne field, and there making a circle as she was taught, and kneeling on her knees, said the prayer now forgotten, and invocating upon Satan. Two Sprites did appear to her within the said circle, in the similitude and likeness of two black frogs,(She had four principal spirits. The first was Jack. The second was Jill. The third was Nicholas. The fourth was Ned.) and there demanded of her what she would have, being ready to do for her what she would desire, so she would promise to give them her soul for their travail, for otherwise: they would do nothing for her. Whereupon she did promise them her soul, and then they concluded with her so as to do for her what she would require, and gave themselves several names, that is to say, the one Jack, and the other Jill, by the names she always did after calling them. And then taking them up, she carried them home in her lap and put them in a box and gave them white bread and milk (Jack killed mankind. Jill killed womenkind. Nicholas killed horses. Ned killed cattle)

And within one month she sent them to milk Hurrells beasts, which they did, and they would bring milk for their own eating and not for her.

And further, she said that her sprites never changed their colour since they first came unto her, and that they would familiarly talke with her, when she had anything to say or do with them in her own language.

And likewise she confessed that she sent her said spirits to hurt the wife of John Sparrow the elder, of Stysted, which they did, and also that where Maister John Glascock of Stysted, aforesaid had a great stack of logs in his yard, she by her said Spirits did overthrow them.

And further, faith that she hath hurt diverse persons within this sixteen or twenty years, but how many she now knoweth not.

Furthermore, she confessed that she sent her sprites unto William Unglee of Stysted Miller, and because they could not hurt him, she sent them to hurt one Barnabie Griffyn, his man, which they did. Likewise she confessed, that she sent her saide sprites, to hurt Master Kitchin Minister of the saide town, and also unto one George Coe of the said town shoemaker, to hurt him likewise: but they could not, and the cause why they could not, as the said sprites told her, was because they had at their coming a strong faith in God, and had invocated and called upon him, that they could do them no harm.

And further she saith, that Margaret Cunny, her Daughter, did fall out with Father Hurrill, and gave him cursed speeches, and thereupon, she thought she sent her spirits to her.

Also she does utterly deny that she sent her said spirits to Finches wife, Deuenishes wife, and Renold Ferror or any of them to hurt them.

And being further examined, she confessed that although her said spirits at some time can have no power to hurt men, yet they may have power to hurt their cattle.

This Joane Cunny, living very lewdly, having two lewd daughters, no better than naughty packs, had two bastard children being both boys, these two children were chief witnesses, and gave in great evidence against their Grandma and Mothers, the eldest being about 10. or 12. years of age.

Against this Mother Cunny the elder boy gave in this evidence which she herself after confessed, that she going to Braintye Market, came to one Harry Finches house, to demand some drink, his wife being busy and a brewing, told her she had no leisure to give her any. Then Joane Cunnye went away discontented: and at night Finches wife was grievously taken in her head, and the next day in her side, and so continued in most horrible pain for the space of a week, and then died.

Mother Cunnye confessed that she sent her spirit Jill to torment her.

The same boy confessed that he was commanded by his Grandmother to fetch a burden of wood, which he gathered, but another boy stole it from him, and he came home without: and told his Grandma: and she commanded her sprite to prick the same boy in the foot which was done and the same boy came to the barre lame and gave evidence against her.

Again the same boy confessed that his Grandma when he had lost his wood, said she would have wood enough: and asked him to go into Sir Edward Huddlestones ground being high Sheriff of the Sheere, and to take with him Jack the sprite, and so he did, who went unseen to anybody but to the boy, and when they came to a mighty Oak-tree, the spirit went about it, and presently the tree blew up by the roots and no wind at all stirring at this time: which Master high Sheriff acknowledged to be blown down in a great calm.

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