Thursday 29 June 2023

Satanical Apparitions.

When I studied the law in the university of Wittenberg. I heard my tutors often tell, that on a time, one being attired after a strange manner, came and knocked at the door of a great Diuine [Dean?], which then read in the same university, and died in the yeare 1546. the servant opened the doore, and asked him what he would have? Speak with thy master quoth he. The Diuine willed him to come in: and then this stranger propounded certain questions touching the controversies which were at that instant about matters of Religion: whereinto the Diuine hauing given a ready solution, the stranger put forth harder, thou dost somewhat trouble me, said the Diuine, for I had other things in hand: and therewith rising out off his chair, showed him in a book the exposition of a certain place whereabout they contended. 

In this strife he perceived that the stranger instead of fingers had claws and talons, like a bird of prey. Whereupon he began to say unto him. 

Is it thou then? Hearken to the sentence pronounced against thee,

(Showing him that place of the third of Genesis) 

The Seede of the woman shall breake the Serpents head. He added moreouer. Thou shalt not swallow us all up. 

The evil spirit mightely confounded and enraged, vanished away with an exceeding great noyse, leaving such a stinke behind him in the stove, that it stunk of it a long time after. 
John George Godelman, Doctor of Law at Rostock, in the treatise, De Magis, Veneficis, Lamijs, &c. booke 1. chap. 3.

In the town of Friburg in Misnia [Meissen], the devil presented himselfe in a humane forme, to a certain sick-man, showing him a book, and extorting him to recon up all his sins he could remember, because he would note them down in that book. At the first the sick-man was somewhat amazed, but recovering his spirits, he answered: Thou saist well, I will set thee downe all my sins in order: but first write these words on the top in great Letters, The Seede of the Woman shall breake the Serpents head. The devil hearing this condemnation of his, fled away, leaving this house full of an extreme stink. 
The same Author.

In the yeare 1534. Maist. Lawrence Toner minister of a certain Town in Saxony, employing some time about Easter to confer with some of his parishioners, according to the customs, touching scrupels of conscience, the devil appeared unto him in the shape of a man, and intreated him to give him leave to confer with him: whereupon he began to pour out horrible blasphemies against the Saviour of the World. Toner resists and confutes him so coragiously by authorities out of the holy Scripture, as this wicked Spirit confounded, (leauing an intollerable stinke in the place) vanished away.
IOB FINCEL in his first booke of miracles.

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