Sunday 2 July 2023

Diverse apparitions in the air.

In the year a thousand five hundred [1500], there was seen in Alsatia [Alsace], near to Saverne, a Bulls head, and betwixt the horns shined a very great star. In the same year, on the 21 of May, there was seen over the town of Lucerne in Switzerland, a fiery dragon, horrible to behold, as big as a calf and twelve foot long, the which did fly towards the bridge of the river of Bavaria, over a little town called Visoc, was seen a dragon crowned, casting forth flames of fire at his mouth.

Over the city of M•…lan, [Mailand Milan] in the day time, the heavens being clear, were seen many stars shining very brightly.
In the beginning of January in the year 1514. about eight of the clock in the morning, in the Duchy of Württemberg were seen 3. suns in the firmament: that in the middle was much bigger than the rest. All three carried the forms of a long sword, of a shining color and marks with blood, the points whereof d•…d stretch out far. This happened the 12 day of the month. The next day over the town of Rotuil, there was seen a sun showing a terrible face, environed with circles of divers colors. Two days before, and the 17. of March following were seen three suns: and three moons also the 11. of January, and the 17. of March. James Stosel a physician of Memming [Memmingen] made an ample discourse, prognosticating upon these apparitions, which were followed by great troubles, namely in Swabia. In the years 1517. on Christmas day, about the Abbey of Vinaire in Saxony, at midnight, the heavens being clear and bright, there was seen a crosse of a reddish colour.



In September, in the year 1520. at Vienna in Austria, there were seen many prodigious signs in the heaven. The first day from three of the clock afternoon, until five, the sun was seen environed with two great circles. Three days after about noon, there was seen a burning fork. The fifth day in the morning there appeared three suns, with many rays-bows of divers fashions. The sixth day about nine of the clock at night, the moon appeared full, traversed with a cross, compassed in with a circle, and above it a half circle. On the seventh, at the break of day, were seen three suns again: and from six of the clock until seven a rainbow with three moon. Pamphilus Gengebach caused these prodigious meteors to bee cu…te, and published a discourse, the which he sent to the emperor Charles V. The same year the inhabitants of Wissembourg, a town seated upon the river of Rhine, heard at noon day, such a strange and horrible rushing of armies in the air, and such a noise of men fighting and crying as in a set battle, that it stroke such a terror and amazement them, as all run to arms, thinking the town had been besieged, and that the enemies were at their gates.
When as the Emperor Charles V. was crowned in the city of Aix la Chapelle [Aachen], the sun was seen environed with a great circle, and a rainbow in the heavens. In the Town of Erfurt there were three Suns seen. Moreover a burning chevron, the which was terrible, by reason of the greatness and length. This chevron declining to the earth, made a great spoil, then mounting into the air, it was converted into a circular form, 
Iob Fincet in his Collection of the maruells of our Time, notes, that in the year 1523. a Peasant of Hungary, going a journey with his wagon, was benighted and forced to lie in the fields attending the break of day. Having slept a while, he awaked, and goes out off his wagon to walk, looking up into the air he did see the resemblance of two princes fighting, with their swords drawn one against an other. One was of a tall stature and big: the other was lesser and carried a crown upon his head. The greater overthrew and slew the lesser, then having taken away the crown he threw it as it were against the earth, so as it was dispersed in diverse pieces. Three years after Ladislaus King of Hungary was slain in battle by the Turks. The same year in the month of May, there were three suns intermixed with divers circles seen at Zurich in Switzerland. Two years after, a little before the defeat of the King of Hungary three other suns were seen in Hungary, which some did interpret that Ferdinand (after wards King of the Romaines [Romans?],) the Vaiuode [Voivode?] John and the Turk, should be at war for the Kingdom. In the year 1525 there was seen in Saxony, about the death of the Elector Frederick, surnamed the Wise [,_Elector_of_Saxony], the sun environed with a great perfect round circle, like in colour to a rainbow. In August the same year, the sun showed itself for certain days like unto a great bowl of fire, and of many strange colours soon after followed the sedition of the peasants in Germany.
In the year 1526. near unto Kaufbeuren, a famous town in Swabia, there were three suns seen, environed with many circles. And for that there had been often mention made, and shall be again of the apparition of three suns, which they call parhelion.
I will tell you what it is, with their generation and signification. About the true sun created by God, and making his limited course in the mid of heaven, there appeared in the clouds certain lights, the which in brightness and form resemble the sun in such sort; as one would say they were very suns, so as you can hardly discern the true from these imaginary ones, called Paralies, Para Helios, as one would say, near or right against the sun. For such shining images, and fashioned like the sun, seem to be right against it, although they be many thousand miles under it: for the sun is in the middest of the heavens, and the Paralies are in the air. Sometimes by this name they understand the likenesses of the moon. And when they appear, Pliny say they are called night-suns. It is most certain, that they are made in the clouds, and not in the firmament, which can receive no such impressions, by reason of their thinness, and continual transparent brightness which has no bounds. There is no figure but must be received in a body that is limited by some means whatsoever. Those things which are made in the heavens, last and continue: but contrary wise the parhelia vanish soon. Neither are they in the very air, which is transparent and not limited, yet they seem to be in the air, the which is the receptacles of exhalations and clouds so as the parhelia are fashioned in the clouds. Besides the cloud where they are made, must be somewhat thick, equal and moist, to make a body, wherein the form of the sun or moon must be grayed, and of a mean thickness, for if it did abound, it could not receive this impression. It must also be united like unto a looking glass, else there can be no representation. And most, that the brightness and resemblance may pierce into it, to make a reflection. Such images cannot be received but in transparent bodies.
Moreover, this cloud must be opposite to the sun, to receive and represent the whole face of it, the which should appear but by halves, if it were on the one side, or not at all, if the sun should shine directly above the cloud. The reflection also of the beamed is necessary for if they did pierce through the clouds, there would no image appear. The air must also be calm and without agitation. For if the winds did blow, the clouds would be shaken, and so nothing disposed to receive any such impression. As you cannot see your face in the waves of a flood, but easily in a clear and calm water, the which is limited in a basin or other vessel. If the sun shines in such sort, as there is any reflection of the beams you shall see the resemblance of the sun in this water, even as in a looking-glass. The like is seen in a cloud compounded of water, as has been said naturally, these like or seeming moons, are signs of  for that they are not converged but in clouds that are of a reasonable thickness. Such clouds are matter for rain. Supernaturally, they are forerunners of the judgement of God, punishing the world with plague, war and famine: As we have seen in our times.
In the same year 1527. There was a great noise heard in the air, as of armed men, that gave battle. Soon after the sun shining in a clear sky, it was suddenly environed with a great cloudy circle.
In the year 1528. about mid May over the town of Zurich, there were 4. seeming Moons seen, environed with 2. whole circles, and the sun compassed in with fewer small circles. The same year the town of Utrecht, being straightly besieged, and in the end taken by the Bourg…ignons [Burgundians], there appeared in the air a foretelling of their misery, wherewith the Inhabitants were wonderfully amazed, which was a great St Andrew’s Cross of a pale colour, and hideous to behold.
The ninth of January 1529. about ten of the clock at night, there was seen in Germany an opening of the heaven, described by Giovanni Pontano in his Meteors. Two years after over Lisbon in Portugal, were seen fiery and bloody apparitions in the heavens, and soon after there fell many drops of blood out off the clouds upon the Earth. The eleventh of April 1542. about seven of the clock in the morning, there were seen three suns distinctly shining at Venice, with two rainbows opposite to the sun. The first did not continue long. The second being less, remained until nine of the clock the one was very round like unto a crown the true sun was in the midst, and the two seeming at the ends: the other rainbow above this crown was very large, the two ends being equally distant from the Earth. Those seeming were so resplendent, as man’s eye could not endure to look on them, no more then of the brightness of the true sun, but that of the left hand towards the South, did shine more than the other looking towards the North, the which continued longer, and was more resplendent in the declining. They were of a reddish colour, extending their beams very far in the air, even unto the Earth. About the end of the same month of April in the same year, there was seen in Switzerland a great white circle shining like crystal. 


In many provinces of Europe there were Dragons seen flying in the air in great troops, sometimes to the number of foure hundred, having all royal crowns upon their heads: and their heads were like unto those of swine, especially the groin. Those of Münster in Westphalia, did see in the day time, the sky being clear and bright, an armed knight running in the air.
The great commander of Malta, caused to be published in the year 1532. Throughout all Europe a strange apparition which happened in Assiria [Assyria?] that year, which was this. About the seventh of March a woman named Rachienne was brought in bed of a goodly son, which had the eyes sparkling, and the teeth shining. At the same instant that he was born, heaven and Earth were strangely moved, the sun did shine as bright at midnight as at noon, and in the day time it was so dark, as from morning until night they could not see anything in all that country. Then afterwards he showed himself, but of an unaccustomed form, with diverse new stars wandering up and down. Over the house where this infant was born, besides other prodigies, fire fell from heaven, which slew some persons. After the eclipse of the sun there happened a horrible tempest in the air then there fell pearls from heaven. The next day they might see a fiery dragon fly throughout all that climate. Moreover there appeared a new mountain, higher then any other, the which did presently divide itself into two parts, and in the middle of them appeared a column or pillar, where there was a certain writing in Greek, showing that the end of the world approached, then was there a voice herd in the air, exhorting, everyone to prepare himself. The Child having lived two months, began to speak like one of years, and by diverse delusions, grows into such credit, as he was adored and worshipped as a God, discovering itself to be an evil spirit, the which had a great force of error in al those countries. 

Near unto Lauban a town of Lusatia, was seen in calm and clear sky, the day after Whitsōday [Whitsun?], in the year 1535. about two of the clock in the afternoon troupes of armed men, advancing from the North, to the part opposite, and there were cries heard in the air, like to men that were in battle. Over the town of Vanaire in Saxony, were seen three chevrons of fire in the air. And the day before the taking of Münster, there appeared over the town in a clear sky, a cross and a naked sword. About the end of July the same year, in the confines of Zurich in Switzerland, there fell a furious and never heard of torment in the air, being all on fire, with most horrible thunders. There fell out of the air great flames of fire the which did quite consume 5. houses near unto Adelsinge. The same month as the inhabitants of Smelwi… were in the church, at their mornings devotion, there suddenly appeared a wonderful light in the air, then fell lightning which slew two men, and with the force of his exhalation, overthrew thirty others to the ground, half dead: having burnt all their clothes: but their bodies were preserved , being more afraid than hurt.

The 7th of February 1536 about two of the clock, after midnight, there was seen in the element, over one quarter of Spain, two armed men, running one at another with their swords drawn the one carried on his left arme a target, on the which was painted an eagle, with this Motto about it Regnabo, that is to say I will reign. The other had a great target with a star and a crescent, and this inscription Regnaui. I have reigned. He that carried the eagle overthrew the other. The like combat was seen in Hungary 20 years after, the which we will note in order. In the year 1537. the first of February there was seen in Italy an eagle flying in the air, carrying in the right foot a bottle, and in the left a serpent wretched up being followed by an infinite number of others. At the same time also there was a Burgundian cross of diverse colours seen in the air. 15. days before there was seen in Franconia, betwixt Bamberg and the forest of Thuringia, a star of huge greatness, the which declining by degrees, turned into a great white circle, out of the which soon after proceeded great gusts of wind and flashes of fire, which falling to the ground, did melt the heads of pikes and the bits of horses, without hurting of man or house. In the year 1538 there were seen in the air, over diverse parts of Germany, armed men fighting, and as it were killing one an other.


Towards the East there did shine a star of an unaccustomed bigness, having beam as red as blood, and near unto it a bloody cross and a flying standard. Two years after was seen an other star in the clouds, very bright, as at the break of day, it appeared the 25th of December. The next day there came out of the moon two twinkling stars shining very bright.
There was seen in the year 1541 three suns, compassed in with a rainbow. The year following, there were seen in Saxony, rods and torches of fire. In the year 1544 the 7th of April at eight of the clock at night, the sky being very clear, there were seen over a little town in Switzerland, called Wilen Turgau, in the face of the moon, a white cross shining very bright, the four ends whereof (especially the nethermost) did far pass beyond the face of the moon. Two days after there was seen over Golaries [Glarus] in Switzerland, an hour before noon, the sky being very clear, a great white circle shining, whereof the center from the right part unto the left, was environed with a rainbow, as it does usually appear. This circle turned at four of the clock right before the middle of the roundel of the sun. 


The 29th of March 1545. about eight of the clock in the morning, there fell about Cracouia [Krakow] a flash of lightning after a horrible thunder, so as all Poland was troubled threat. Presently after there appeared three red crosses in the element, betwixt the which there was a man armed at all parts, who with a burning sword did fight with an army, the which he defeated, and thereupon came a horrible dragon which swallowed up this victorious man presently the heavens did open as they had been all on fire, and so continued for an hours space. Then there appeared three rainbows in their accustomed colours, upon the highest of which there was the form of an angel, as they do represent them in the shape of a young man, that has wings at his shoulders, holding a sun in one of his hands and a moon in the other. This second spectacle having continued half an hour in the view of all those that would behold it, certain clouds did rise which did cover these apparitions.

In base Hungary, there was seen in the year 1546 in the space of a whole hour, the heavens open, from the which did fall great abundance of fire, upon this fire there appeared a black ox, the which seemed to piss fire. Above Belgeen a town in Misnia [Meissen], and the country about was seen an other opening of heaven, the which continued two hours in the night the 10th of February, and cast forth beams even unto the earth. At the same time were seen three burning chevrons, and of diverse colours, flying in the air. In the year 1547 there was seen above Halberstad [Halberstadt] in Saxony, a black boule [bowl?] coming out of the mid of the moon, and running violently towards the North. The 15th day of December the same year, the mariners of Hamburg, did see in the element at midnight, a burning globe and shining as the sun, rowling towards the South, whose beams were so hot, as the passengers could not abide upon the hatches, but were forced to hide themselves thinking the ships would be set on fire.

They did also see in Switzerland, two armies in the air, fighting together. And two ramping lions fighting, whereof the one pulled of the others head with his teeth. Above them appeared a white cross stretched out in length, having the lower end fashioned like a whip. The same year the twelfth of April and the two following, presently after noon the sun was seen in his sphere, like unto a globe of fire, and at noonday the stars appeared. Ten days after, which was the 24th in Saxony, Turin, Switzerland, France and England, the sun appeared with a cloudy and bloody countenance, for the space of four hours, to the great amazement of many. It continued in this sort some other days following. The first days of October following, about seven of the clock in the morning, there was seen in Saxony, the form of a dead mans Beere [beer? Beard?], covered with a black cloth and a cross upon it of a reddish colour, accompanied both before and behind with many figures of men in mourning weeds, either of them carrying a trumpet wherewith they began to sound so loud as the inhabitants of the country did easily understand the noise. In the meantime there appeared a man all armed, and of a terrible aspect, who drawing out his sword cut off part of the cloth and then with his hands he tore in pieces the rest which done, both he and all the rest vanished. In December the same year, about Rome there appeared in the air, three days together, about three of clock in the afternoon, a beesome [broom rod] as it were dipped in blood, and a red cross, over the which did hover an eagle. In the month of May precedent: about Saxony and the Marquisate of Brandenburg, were seen two globes of fire, leaping about the sun, the greatest of them did so cover the sun, as at noonday, it seemed as it were rusty. They did also see the same year a furious combat of two armies in the air over the town of Quedlinburg.
The year 1548 the 23 day of July, the moon being at the full, it appeared of the colour of blood, over Rosensel a town of the Duchy of Wirtemberg [Württemberg] and in this moon was seen an arm of a blackish colour, with a hand stretched out soon after the moon having recovered her usual light, it was again seen with three chevrons or large bars of the same colour that the arm was, which did cross it distinctly. These bars being vanished, there appeared a Burgundian cross, black, underneath the moon, at the two sides there appeared two other small roundels. The year following, which was 1549. in the morning, the sun being very bright, in the month of May, upon a quarter of Germany, there was seen in the air the figure of a man, attired like a German prince, above the which, there appeared on the other side a lion and a sheep, which seemed to embrace one an other willingly before this prince was a great garland of flowers, the which he would have taken in his hand, but not being able, he tooke up a sword, the which was under his feet from the beginning, where with he flourished twice or thrice about his head, and then all vanished into the clouds. In the year 1550. were seen in the night, over the town of Lipsick [Leipzig] in Misnia [Meißen] three globes of fire. And in August the same year, about Nuremberg, the sky being very clear, the sun was seen of diverse colours, and over it a vessel, the which leaning on the one side, there came forth blood, wherewith the sun was made red. On the other side there appeared an eagle with his wings spread abroad of diverse colours, but without any feet. A little beneath the sun and the eagle, was a rainbow, and directly underneath it was a man, holding a horse by the bridle with his left hand, and with his right a white hound.
The 19. of July before, near unto Wittenberg in Saxony, there was seen in the element the form of a godly heart and under it armies which did fight with great noise and fearful cries. During this conflict there fell a shower of blood upon the Earth, the sun appeared very hideous and as it were out of his course, divided in two and in show approaching near the Earth. Some weeks before, there was seen almost in the same place, a bloody sword in the air, and a piece of ordinance, mounted upon wheels. The 24th of June betwixt six and nine in the morning, the time being very clear, there was seen in the element, a black cross with a javelin, having a fishhook at one of the ends, and at the other three small bars like unto rests. Over Lisbon in Portugal, there appeared the 28th of January 1551. a great handful of bloody rods, with fearful fires it rained blood, and there followed earthquakes, so as two hundred houses were shaken and overthrown, whereby above a thousand persons were slain. The 21st day of March, about 7 of the clock in the morning, there were seen at Magdeburg seven rainbows and three suns; and at night three moons, whereof that in the middle, which was the right, kept her ordinary colour, the other two were of the colour of blood. These three suns were also seene at Wittenberg in Saxony, with ten or twelve circles that did environ them, some round, others but half and very spatious, others less, and some very small, almost all of the colour of the rainbow. The last day of February, which was three weeks before, those of Antwerp in Brabant had also seen three suns, inclosed in diverse circles and rainbows.
In the year 1552 the 19th of February, about three of the clock in the afternoon, those of Maclin in Brabant, did see the sun first of a blew colour, then red, environed with a great circle and a rainbow. About eleven months after, the 23th of January 1553 about eight of the clock at night, there was seen at Basil [Basel], the moon environed with a great and clear circle, of the colour of the rainbow, the which continued three whole hours. In June following, there were seen in the air, being clear and bright, over the town of Cobourg [Coburg], betwixt five and six at night, diverse sorts of men, then armies which gave battle, and an eagle hovering with her wings abroad. In July were seen two serpents joined together one eating of an other, and betwixt them a fiery cross. The same year the city of Magdeburg was straightly besieged, and among other maruvailes [marvels?], the day after Easter the sun appeared very bright at the rising, and environed with a great circle as white as milk, the which were crossed with four rainbows, the goodliest that ever was seen. Ten days before, betwixt seven and eight of the clock in the morning, were seen over the same town, three suns the right had his ordinary brightness, the other two had a bloody colour. Having continued almost the whole day, at night there appeared 3 moons, whereat all the inhabitants of the place were much amazed, they were of diverse colours and after they had continued some hours, the two apparant moons or paralies, became red as blood, then dispersing themselves into long streams, in the end they vanished: the right moon which was in the middle, retained her accustomed brightness. The same year died Duke George Prince of Anhalt, an excellent divine. The day of his death, there appeared in the night over the town of Wittenberg a blew cross. A few days before the battle, given betwixt Maurice Duke of Saxony, and Albert Marquis of Brandenburg there appeared the image of a great man in a place of Saxony from the body of this man, which appeared naked, first there began blood to fall from him, drop after drop: then they did see sparks of fire come from him, and in the end he vanished by little and little. In January 1554. there appeared three suns twice in Saxony. The 1st of February following, about Chalons in Champagne, was seen a great flame of fire, which went from the East to West, like to a burning torch, bending as a crescent, the fire did crack, and cast out sparks on all sides, like unto a bar of iron coming out of the furnace, which the smith did work with their hammers. Some add that this torch appeared about the moon, and showed the point of a lance at one end. The 19th of February. were seen at Nebre, two crosses of a blue colour. And the same day at Greisen in Thuringia, they did see in the sun which shined brightly, a blue cross, so great as it covered all the face of the sun on either side it had a great chevron of fire, with diverse circles. The 9th day of April, above Sultzfield, half a days journey near unto Schuinfort [Schweinfurt], an imperial town, there appeared two moons in the night. In March before, were seen suns of diverse greatness, with some circles in Bavaria and the country about. First the 6th of March betwixt eight and nine of the clock in the morning, were seen two suns with a rainbow. The 23th of the same month, about an hour afternoon, those of Nürnberg did see as much: and moreover a rainbow towards the West, and the suns environed with white circles, continued three hours together, with a long burning chevron. The eight day following, there were three suns seen at Reinsbourg [Regensburg?]. Their beginning was about an hour after noon: betwixt two and three they did shine brightly, and ended at four of the clock. They did cast out beams of the one side like unto a comet: that in the middle towards the North, and the other two towards the East and West.
In March the same year, were seen over diverse towns in Germany, betwixt four and five of the clock at night, diverse Burgundian crosses, but most white, and in a manner touching one another. The 23th day of the same month, a little before sunset, were seen two Parelies [parhelion] environed with the sun by a great circle over the village of Blech [means iron in german and I couldn’t find any near to Nurnberg]. Not far from Nürnberg the eleventh of June, there appeared a rod of a bloody colour through the sun, with stars or Boules [balls] of Azure. Presently after there were seen two squadrons of armed men, the which had blown cornets, who for the space of two hours, encountered together furiously, to the great amazement of many which did see the beginning, the continuance and end of this apparition. The 13th of June, about five of the clock in the afternoon, over the town of Iene [Jena], the sun was seen of a bloody colour, to whom there approached presently from the South and West, great and many balls of fire, the which did darken the light of it. And then appeared two chevrons of a very red colour, crossing through the sun. The 24th day of July, about ten of the clock at night, there appeared in the air, in that quarter of the country which is called the high Palatinate of Rhine. Towards the forest of Bohemia, two men armed with all peeces [pieces], the one being of a far taller stature than the other, having on his breast a bright shining star, and a flaming sword in his hand, as also the lesser had. They began a furious combat, bu…in [burning?] in the end the lesser was beaten down, and could not stir: whereupon a chair was brought unto the victor, in the which being set and remained some time, still menacing with his sword in his hand him that lay at his feet, as if he would strike him. In the end they both vanished away.
The 5th of August following, at 9 of the clock at night, near unto Stolpen, in the South part of heaven, there appeared troupes of warlike men, who with great cries and noise of arms, charged one another furiously, when the first charge was ended, there came abundance of fire out of the clouds, which hindered the sight of these troops. This fire vanishing, they returned to the second charge: then the fire kindling again, you would have said it had been a kind of retreat, to rally themselves again together on either part: which ended, they return again to a third charge, the which being done, they all vanished. The same year at Fribourg [Freiberg] in Misnia, was seen in the open day, the representation of our Lord Jesus Christ, as many painters are accustomed to represent him, sitting in a rainbow, the colours whereof were exceedingly lively. And about another town called Zopodee, the sun rising appeared as red as blood, having about it a stately palace, the which was all on fire. On either side of the sun was seen a high column, very artificially fashioned and of the colour that the rainbow. It seemed that their foundations did touch the and were very large. The next day the sun did rise with a pale colour, and this palace was above it shining very brightly. The columns or pillars also appeared, but not so fair and long as the day before.
The 10th of February 1555. there were three suns seen at Vinaire in Saxony.
And the 13th of March, there appeared in the air about Turinge [Thüringen] a flaming sword. 

The eleventh of January 1556. towards the mountains which encompasses in the city of Augsburg of the one side, the element did open, and seemed to riue [rive split, tear apart violently] whereat all were wonderfully amazed: especially by reason of the pitiful accidents which followed for the same day the messenger of Augsburg slew a captain at the city gates with a pistol. The next day, the wife of one that made sword blades, thinking to get a great booty, slew a merchant in her house: and presently after her servant killed herself with a knife. A day after, a butcher was slain in a quarrel: and two villages were quite burnt.
The 15th day of the same month, the keeper of St. Katherins forest was found dead, being shot through with an Harquebus.
The 17th a goldsmith man falling into despair, drowned himself. The night following many were wounded to the death in the street. I had forgot to note, that the same eleventh day of January, when the heavens did open about Augsburg, there happened such a change in the air about Mickhausen in Bauicre, and so great a light appeared in the night, as it did obscure the light of candles in their shops and houses, so as for three hours space, those which would work, had no need of any other light then that of heaven.

Some months after, the heavens began to open in another part of Swau…e [Swabia?], out of the which there proceeded such abundance of fire, as many were stricken dumb with fear: there were some villages and small towns burnt and quite ruined. They did also see in the air certain semblances of camels [?!] the which devoured armed men.
In diverse days and months of the same year 1556 were observed other apparitions as in February in the County of Bats, there were seen in the air armies on foot and horse, the which did encounter together furiously. In September, over a little town in the Marquisate of Brandenburg called Küstrin, about nine of the clock at night, they did see infinite flames of fire coming out of the air, and in the middle two great burning chevrons. In the end there was a voice heard crying, Miserie, Miserie vnto the Church. We have said before that in the year 1536 there had been seen in the air in Spain a combat of two young men.

Wolfgang Stranch of Nürnberg writes, that in the year 1556 over a town in Hungary, the which he calls Babatcha, there was seen the 6th of October, a little before sunrise, the resemblance of two naked boys fighting in the air, with scimitars in their hands, and targets upon their arms. He which carried a spread eagle upon his shield, did charge the other which carried a crescent so furiously, as it seemed the body being wounded in many places, did fall from the heaven to the earth.
At the same time, and in the same place, was seene a rainbow with his accustomed colours, and at the end thereof two suns. Not far from Augsburg there was seen in the air a combat betwixt a bear and a lion, in December the same year: And at Wittenberg in Saxony the 6th of the same month, three suns, and a crooked cloud, marked with blue and red, stretched forth like unto a bow, the sun showing pale and sad, betwixt the parhelia or seeming suns: four months before three suns had been seen betwixt Euschoin and Basill [Basel].
Touching the significations of all these apparitions I will not meddle with them. Since that year, many are observed in diverse climates of the world, especially in Europe, other wonders in the air, even unto this present age: whereof we may make mention in other books.
At this time we do only represent that which 
Conrad Lycosthenes: has collected. Jobus Fincelius. Marc Frytsch, and many others, in his great volume, De Prodigijs et Ostentis. As for Comets, showers of blood, prodigious hail, and other wonders of heaven, we will speake of them in their proper places.

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Family annihilation and satan worshipping policeman H. C Hawley case.

I happened upon this story in an unrelated search in a newspaper archive. I could not find any more info on it apart from this article and a...